Rory McIlroy and the Agony of Defeat

Rory McIlroy is a Very Good Golfer. There are a lot of them in the world and throughout history. Hundreds, maybe a Thousand…who knows. He might even deserve to be called an Excellent Golfer but he has not yet reached the level where the Golf World is prepared to decide he is a Great Golfer.

Gaza: Biden’s Last Chance Saloon

There is no way in God’s Creation that the American People are going to elect a President that lets 100,000 people die on his watch because he was afraid of raising his voice to Benjamin Netanyahu. The disgust level of many who supported you, at your unwillingness to lay down the law, at the 30,000

Joe Don’t Know Jack

For years he’s been telling anyone with ties to Israel, “Tell Bibi I love him.” That’s Biden’s shtick and he’s been doing it to anybody who might help him or give him a buck or a vote since he ran for office in Delaware…right around the time of the Boer War. That’s why Obama put

Moving Right

I must be getting old. Everything pisses me off. For the last ten years, or so, I’ve called myself a Pelosi-Obama Democrat. But, if truth be known, I’ve never registered in either party. I’m far more motivated by what I don’t like in world affairs than what I do like. I’m not the only one

Nikki Haley: Stick a Fork in Her

Wealthy American Jews who love Israel, passionately, had plans for Nikki Haley. Haley had credentials. She is a Former Governor of South Carolina, and the US Ambassador to the United Nations under Trump. She was also a Candidate for President of the United States and, doing well. Money was coming in to her Presidential Campaign.


What do you suppose Ronald Reagan would do if he were our President right now? Let’s concentrate on one matter both President Reagan had to deal with while President and President Biden has to deal with now. The one matter Reagan dealt with and Biden is dealing with is……. ISRAEL It never ends with Israel.


In recent history the Israel Defense Forces and Hamas have confronted each other in Armed conflict in 2008, 2012, 2014 and 2021. In each of those encounters Hamas was way outgunned and Israel got way the better of it. In 2014, Operation Protective Edge, a conflict that lasted 51 days Israel inflicted a one sided


Israelis were shocked by the attack by Hamas on their Country on October 7, 2023. They shouldn’t have been. Israel has been humiliating the Citizens of Gaza for a long time. On matters big and small. Regulating the amount of food they let into Gaza. Using the amount of food they let in as a


The American Press has it all figured out. The relationship between the Muslims residing in Gaza and the Jews in Israel should be defined by the Muslim’s attack on the Jews in Israel last Saturday. Nothing else matters. That is the point from which we should measure right and wrong…according to the American Press which


What? You say you don’t know who Fani T Willis is. Congratulations. That means you have a life. I had one once. Now, I write about the implausible, incomprehensible and the bizarre. Usually, that means politicians, and I do it for free. At least I can’t get fired. I write because I feel good when