Complete Disconnect

I’m trying to get a handle on Gaza, Israel, Iran and the USA and around 5:37PM, Sunday this lady comes on CNN, Beth Sanner, and says that whatever Benjamin Netanyahu thinks he’s doing “its a complete disconnect” with what the USA (without which Israel has no future) would like him to do.

And then, serendipity.

There is a great article up in the New Yorker by David Remnick on, of all people, Yahya Sinwar, who happens to be the most revered person amongst the citizen residents of Gaza and the most despised person by many in Israel.

The fact that he is still living is a miracle of sorts. As a subscriber to the New Yorker I’ve read his lengthy article twice. It’s an excellent piece of work linked below.

Notes from Underground The Life of Yahya Sinwar, Leader of Hamas in Gaza

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